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Fanpages officiels:
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Just What Do the Conservatives Want?

Just What Do the Conservatives Want?

What is going on here? What do they want? It looks like a very angry minority wants to drag this country into chaos.

No, it’s not about Mr. Trump no matter how good he is at filling the news.

No, it’s not about the 17 children murdered in Florida. I know that those events don’t move the meter any, but could you imagine being one of the first responders, hearing a phone ring in a dead child’s pocket? You would know who was calling.

Nope, I’m thinking about the 2019 budget the Republicans announced… a week after they just made a 2 year budget deal. Doesn’t that seem odd? It’s going to add 5 or 7 Trillion dollars to the debt, which seems astonishing to me. So what does that budget mean? If you know the background of the Republicans, it’s pretty obvious and why the fiscal hawks allowed it. That deficit will then allow them their long term goal of killing off Social Security and Medicare. This is Paul Ryan’s wet dream. Don’t say anyone didn’t tell you. This is old news, but think about that a little and what it is going to mean. This isn’t any America I know of. “We The People” is not a Communist plot, but Americans apparently cannot be allowed work together for their mutual benefit. It must be for someone’s profit. We cannot have any kind of national Healthcare. There must be middlemen skimming off profits. We can’t even have a national postal service. Someone must make a profit off of it. (All this capital is like Voldemort floating around looking for a body.)

I remember back when I felt the optimism and respect of my parents and teachers that had all known Dwight Eisenhower as America’s Military Leader or as President. They taught me all through my childhood. They formed my mind and beliefs. I believed Republican. Now, I have to feel that the Republicans just seem evil now compared to that, but what do they want? They are tearing the country apart. Is that what they want? No one even has any idea how this is going to be put back together. Most of the country wants some gun laws and social justice, affordable medical care, good education and a real Democracy. Some of it though wants a Libertarian dream world with universal gun ownership, open carry, legalized discrimination, Christian dominated politics and run by the wealthy - modern feudalism. OK, how would it work if we just break it up then? Could we just make two nations? One where the rural heart of the country has a government and the coasts have another? Is that what they want? We could work out a peaceful, free migration between the two nations to sort out where and how people wanted to live. If that will satisfy them, maybe I could go with it, because what are called Conservatives now are killing off the future of America. They are handing off economic and political leadership to China. They are abandoning science and education. They are fighting any social progress and basically even civilization. I don’t want that and few people outside rural America want it either. So if that is what they want, a dog eat dog feudalism, let them have it. Let them go their own way. Their patron saint, Ayn Rand wrote about how that ended — they all died. They are like a family member that likes to play with fire in the house, always annoying and eventually dangerous. Eventually, for the sake of everyone else, they just have to be separated. If the rural areas want to go, let them. We will buy their food if we need it, but they have to keep to themselves and quit trying to destroy the urban society. Is that what they want? Would that be enough for them? Of course, if they want to rule the rest of us, they are going to be in for a fight, so I say just let them go.